Change it Up for Girl's Night

Disco Queen Donna Summer once sang “She works hard for the money so you better treat her right.” For millions of working women, staying ahead of the game can be stress-inducing. Between work, family, and constantly striving for perfection, Having a respite or break from the daily grind is sometimes warranted. While vacations are always a welcome idea, they’re not always possible. This is why it’s time you took back the night with your closest friends and have a girl’s night out. Not only can this alleviate the stress that responsibilities can cause, but it can also boost your self-esteem and maintain a positive outlook. 

lakewood ranch events

Stepping Out of the Ordinary

Perhaps the idea of a girl’s night was suggested to you at one point and you just couldn’t get away. Understandable. Life has a habit of being quite an arduous task from time to time. Grab your closest girlfriends and find a location that’s new or at least one that isn’t frequented that often by you and your crew. Human beings are products of our environment. This means that a new location can make all the difference in the world. By being away from the normal locations that we identify with stress, we’re allowed to unwind and be ourselves. 

A Welcoming Atmosphere and a Libation or Two

When you’re looking for a location, consider an establishment that’s welcoming and has an atmosphere that allows for comfort. The last thing you want to do is go out for a night of relaxation and feel like you’re walking on eggshells the entire time. Think of a neighborhood that’s familiar, you don’t want to get lost. There are several ways to relax while you’re out on the town, karaoke, pool, and if you feel like indulging, maybe a few drinks. If you’re going to partake, it’s a good idea to have a designated driver in your group or make arrangements with a rideshare beforehand. There’s never an excuse to get behind the wheel after having one too many. 

Most importantly–enjoy yourself, you only get to live once, enjoy the time with those closest to you the most. 

Ed’s Tavern

If you’re looking for a place that’s welcoming and has great food and drinks available, look no further than Ed’s Tavern in Lakewood Ranch. Happy hour is from 4:00-7:00 PM, with an extra emphasis on the word happy. For more information, pay us a visit at edslakewoodranch.com.

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