Expand Your Mind With Music Trivia

Are you looking for a way to open your mind, sharpen your mental acumen, and provide yourself with an opportunity to compete and socialize in a welcoming atmosphere? Well, if you’ve ever been to Ed’s Tavern in Lakewood Ranch, then you already know about the wonderful food and drinks we serve, the exciting events we like to host, and the wonderful feeling you get from the moment you walk through our door. Well, now you can sharpen your wit and enjoy the friendly (and free) spirit of competition each and every Wednesday, thanks to our reoccurring music trivia night

events lakewood ranch

You Don’t Need to be a Genius

Some people feel like they can’t compete in any form of trivia because they assume that you need to be a walking encyclopedia to succeed. Not true! When it comes to something such as music trivia, you’ve been amassing a storehouse of knowledge from the time you were a child. Every time you’ve turned on a radio, you’ve expanded your worldly knowledge regarding music, and now you can put that knowledge to the test in a fun environment! 

Sharpens Your Mental Health 

Psychologists have proven through detailed research that having an active social life is a great way to elevate the serotonin levels in your brain and improve your mood. Now, take that concept and throw in a friendly competition of trivia that’s exciting and fast-paced and excites your brain. You have an event that will not only elevate your mood, but you get a chance to dig through your brain for the answers. You’ll have an evening where you feel good. (Not to mention, have a chance to win.) 

Have Fun! 

While there’s certainly a competitive spirit that exists in any game of trivia, the most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself and have fun! At Ed’s Tavern, the event is free, and you have the chance to win prizes. We always want our customers to enjoy themselves, and music trivia on Wednesdays is the perfect way to enjoy your week! 

Ed’s Tavern in Lakewood Ranch 

Whether you decide to come in for trivia night or you just want to stop in for a few drinks and delicious food, Ed’s Tavern is the ideal location for either. We’re always hosting new events and specials that keep our customers coming back for more. For a menu and more, pull up a barstool over at edslakewoodranch.com.

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